Clean filters are the number one maintenance priority. Dirty filters affect air quality but are also the biggest cause of system failure. We’re frequently asked, “How often do I need to change my filter?” Every home is different. It depends on numerous factors like, whether you have pets or children, whether you live on a dirt or paved road, whether your home accumulates a moderate or excessive amount of pollen. 

We recommend using a 5-inch filter for all home scenarios. It maximizes filtration and air flow, and it only needs to be changed once or twice a year — a favorite feature for homeowners. If your system isn’t built to insert this type of filter, we can easily modify your system to accommodate it.

Like many things, maintenance is the key to longevity. If you properly maintain your HVAC equipment, you will prolong its life, minimize costly repairs, and experience optimal efficiency. MT Heating and Cooling can guide your understanding and provide a checklist for how to perform your own maintenance or be there for your when it’s best to call in the experts. Our goal is to educate you so you understand how to achieve maximum energy and cost efficiency in your own home or office.

Routine maintenance is included in MT Heating & Cooling’s seasonal checkups. Being proactive will save you money. We inspect your system every six months, clean and replace filters, check for seasonal damage and wear, and keep your system running smoothly. An added bonus to our maintenance call is you have access to a mechanical trades expert twice a year. Take the opportunity to ask us about how your home or office systems function and any other questions you may have!