
When it comes to winter in Dauphin County, you rely on your furnace to keep you and your family warm. Yet, your furnace doesn’t last forever. Eventually, you will have to replace it with a new and more efficient furnace. When you are ready, MT Heating and Cooling in Johnstown, PA is ready to help, but how do you know when that is? Below are nine signs that signal it may be time to replace your furnace. 

How Old Is It?

One of the best ways to figure out if your furnace needs to be replaced is its age. Most furnaces last about 15-30 years. However, it also depends on what type of furnace you have and how well you take care of it. If you still have your user manual, you may be able to find the lifespan of your particular furnace somewhere in its contents. 

How Many Repairs Has It Needed in the Past Year?

Ask yourself how often you have called MT Heating and Cooling in the past year to make a repair. If it’s more than a few times, it may be time to start planning for a replacement. If you don’t know where to start, call on the knowledgeable professionals at MT Heating and Cooling for help. 

Does It Keep Your Family Warm?

Your furnace’s job is to keep your family warm. If it is not doing its job, there is something wrong. Whether your Dauphin County home just can’t seem to get warm or if you notice uneven heating, MT Heating, and Cooling can help. We can help you repair or completely replace your furnace. 

Have You Noticed Poor Indoor Air Quality?

central pa woman cough

If your furnace isn’t working properly, it can lead to poor air quality. You may notice excess dust around your home and your family coughing more often. It may seem more difficult to breath and those with respiratory issues may struggle with symptoms.  

While these issues can be caused by something simple like a clogged filter, it can also signal more serious issues with your furnace. MT Heating and Cooling recommends checking your filter first. If changing or cleaning it does not work, there may be a more serious issue that needs tending to. 

Does It Run Irregular Cycles?

If your furnace is on its way out, it may struggle to keep up with warming your Johnstown home. It may run more often than normal or turn on and off more frequently. 

Have Your Energy Bills Been Rising?

Another very strong sign that your furnace is struggling is rising energy bills. When it can’t keep up with heating your home, it runs longer and uses more energy. Then you end up paying more to keep your home comfortable. If this is the case, it is important to take action so you don’t end up wasting energy or paying more than necessary. 

Does It Make Strange Noises?

If your furnace starts making strange noises, it may signal a serious issue. Sounds you may hear include banging, buzzing, whistling, rattling, or humming. Be sure to call MT Heating and Cooling to get it checked out, repaired, or replaced if necessary. 

Do You See Rust or Cracks Around Your Furnace?

Along with sounds, you may also notice visible damage to your furnaces such as rust or cracks. This is a very good sign your furnace needs to be replaced. 

Contact MT Heating and Cooling for a Replacement

Do multiple items on this list apply to your furnace? If so, it is likely time for a replacement. Call on the professionals at MT Heating and Cooling. You can do so on our website here: You can also call us at (717)-525-9665. We will help you choose and install the best furnace for your home and family.


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